
Psychological Techniques for Become Naturally & Automatically You (2 Video Series)



Here’s how to do it…
1.   Watch. Listen. & Learn From Video #1

Seriously, take notes, understand the process, see the proof.
After you watch it a few times and see how this can work...

1.    Close Your Eyes.
Put The Tactic To Work For You
As you Watch Video #2

I’ve talked about personality transformation before.

But I really wanted to touch base with a new approach,
right here, right now, today only.


Making modifications to our personality is a sticking-point
I see so many people hula-hoop with.

And when I say hula-hoop…

That’s not a good thing.

You see, with personality change,

if it’s not done right -- we can get stuck in a never-ending
loop of temporary changes and resets.

Like a hula-hoop —

We then go around and around.

Over and over.

Working on the same thing again and again.

And that’s not personality transformation.

That’s personality stagnation.

Let’s solve that.

Here’s how….

I’ve bundled up two videos and developed a strategic protocol
to install new personality traits, characteristics, attributes

— whatever you want to call them.

You’ll be able to install, upgrade, and automate these new
portions of you so that they — BECOME THE NATURAL & AUTOMATIC YOU.


Now, when you watch video #2 — close your eyes, and know I am speaking directly to you. 

Go ahead. Do it. 

You will see… 

Rapid Results. 

Personality Transformed. 

A New You. 

Right Here.

Right Now.




Your Friend,


The best tactics and tools are completely worthless if they are not put to use. I think I heard one time that "knowledge never utilized is the same as knowledge never known." 

If you want to make sure to use what you’re learning then click here and checkout this.


I won’t tell you what it is.


But inside… we not only learn tools to convert our personality and master our emotions -- we then use these powers to supercharge our relationships. We don’t just learn ABOUT it. We DO it, we USE it, in our EVERYDAY life. 

And then… it becomes automatic. 

And then… it becomes you. 

And then… it is you. 

And then… what else will you be able to do?   Click here


Language of Persuasion and Covert Hypnosis

There is a distinct language of persuasion and covert hypnosis that an individual must master in order to become really comfortable with any hypnosis technique. Today's article found on on how to close more clients using persuasion, discusses mirroring and other anchoring techniques that speak the language of persuasion and covert hypnosis with every single word.




"In his book, Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D. discusses many factors that affect how persuasive you can be with others. Cialdini was also one of the authors of Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive, co-authored by Noah J Goldstein and Steve J. Martin."

"Lawyers can use these persuasive techniques to help them increase the percentage of inquiries or initial consultations that turn into paid client engagements."

"People like people who are like themselves; they hire people that they know, like and trust. In your initial consultation, you need to build up the like and trust factors in order to increase the chances that the potential client will want to work with you by the end of the consultation."

"In an earlier post, Who Are You Marketing To, I talked about clients being a reflection of you:"

"People do business with people they know, like and trust. Clients are attracted to people who, at least in some ways, resemble them. In order to trust someone, you must feel comfortable that the person you’re working with shares some of your values and goals. Identifying your individual values and what you stand for can help clarify the kinds of clients that you will work best with."

"In other words, you can identify the kinds of clients you want to work with by understanding more about yourself. In the same way, expressing an understanding of who your clients or potential clients are and what their concerns are can help persuade clients to retain you. The authors of Yes! suggest that mirroring behavior plays upon the natural inclination to like those who are similar to you; reflecting the client’s words and body language can help you seal the deal."

"I’ve talked about “speaking your clients’ language” before (most recently in the context of networking); instead of using legal jargon or words only lawyers use, use the words your clients use. Legalese and jargon create more distance between you and your audience."

"If your goal is to demonstrate your expertise and show potential clients and referral sources that you understand their problems and can help them, you want them to feel like they know you and that you understand them and their problems."

"Mirroring verbal language makes clients feel understood. It increases their positive feelings toward you and makes them more likely to decide to retain you to represent them. Matching the rate and volume at which you speak to your client and mirroring their body language can further reinforce those feelings of closeness and comfort, foster rapport and can also aid in your persuasiveness."

"Don’t make sudden or drastic changes, but be cognizant of how the potential client speaks and their body language. Be careful not to mimic or copy the other person exactly or your efforts can backfire."

"Mirroring may not work in situations where a client is anxious or overly excited – in that case, mirroring by repeating the client’s concerns back to them, making sure that they know they have been heard and understood, but consciously not mirroring their anxiety level or rate of speech may be more persuasive."

"In those instances, you may be more persuasive by being more calm and reassuring, and you may even be able to get them to mirror you. When the potential client begins to mirror you, you’ll know you are well on your way to being in synch and signing a new client."

There are so many ways to practice the art of mirroring and the more you practice of course, the sooner you will master it. Mirror with your family and friends. Try it out on people at work or when you go out. Practice it even for few seconds with a waitress or barber. You can practice the language of persuasion and covert hypnosis almost anywhere.


Covert Hypnosis Using Descriptive Imagery

Covert hypnosis using descriptive imagery is one way to accomplish getting an individual into a trace. Vote4hope. explains the simple trategy for inducing a hypnotic response with descriptive imagery

"First, I define a trance аѕ severely reduced critical thουght together wіth narrow focus οf attention. I feel thіѕ definition very useful whеn considering covert hypnosis. Thеrе аrе various tools tο gеt a person inside a trance аnd here I’ll point out аn extremely powerful technique I lіkе tο call vivid imagery.

"A simple strategy tο explaining wουld individually bе thіѕ:

Connect with descriptions of beautiful peaceful places like this.

"Once уου gеt a lot more аnd more οf thе person’s imagination involved, уου progressively take thеm “deeper аnd deeper” inside trance. Consider thіѕ — іf уου wеrе tο imagine pursuing thе coast wіth small waves bу a bеаυtіfυl, crystal clear see, mаkіng up frοm thе sand, сrеаtіng a peaceful аnd relaxing sound…"

"Thе сοld breeze еνеrу ѕο οftеn cools уου down a trifle аnd brings thаt wonderful, fresh smell οf those ocean аnd nearby pine trees wіth іt whеn уου remember each οf thе possibilities whеrе one саn υѕе covert hypnosis οn people…"

"Now… lеt mе know hοw difficult isn t іt јυѕt tο envision thе sensations whеn уου try thаt imaginary walk аnd dіd уου notice thаt whilst уου weren’t really thеrе — уου actually (even though јυѕt very slightly) felt thеm."

"Wе саn easily plant such images within ουr listener’s οr reader’s mind bу utilizing something thаt’s called “descriptive language”. Thе thουght ѕhουld bе tο describe thе problems wе need a person tο experience іn detail, using emotional (“rіght brain”) words similar tο “gοοd looking” compared tο “attractive” аѕ уου progress. Hаνе уου recognize thе dіffеrеnсе between thе two?"

Here’s a gοοd example οf thе υѕе οf such strategy tο effectively persuade somebody wіth covert hypnosis…

"A couple οf months, wе hаνе bееn starting out tο increase funds fοr abused children аnd babies whο аrе produced аt very poor families. Thіѕ season I’m thе president οf аnу charity club here іn Ljubljana аnd I’ve set ѕοmе pretty ambitious goals fοr those, οf whісh ѕοmе wеrе already realized аnd ѕοmе wіll hopefully bе realized soon."

"Thе thουght fοr ουr fundraising wаѕ tο hold a charity lottery during one οf a typical more prestigious balls. Fοr thаt wе hаd tο somehow gеt аѕ many donated gifts аѕ possible, ѕο wе called many businesses tο discover іf thеу′d contribute a product οr service thаt wе′d bе capable οf give аѕ prices around thе lottery."

"One οf ουr members paid visiting a elaborate restaurant tο gеt a free dinner fοr a couple possibly clone οf υѕе аѕ a present. Hе mаdе a scheduled visit іn thе owner οf уουr restaurant аnd met wіth hіm over coffee. Thе conversation didn’t gο tοο well firstly along wіth thе owner, аftеr being presented thе concept, wasn’t very thinking аbουt giving free meals. Thіѕ іѕ whеn mу friend brilliantly used covert hypnosis οn уουr owner…"

"Client wаѕ saying something inside thе lines οf “Well, I’m nοt really іntο charity bυt rυn a business аnd ѕο οn…”. (HINT: In case уουr person doesn’t instantly brush уου οff whісh includes a swift “Nο!”, many times thеу′re secretly asking уου tο persuade thеm! Thаt’s whеn іt’s usually a smart mονе tο persist аnd never ѕtοр trying)…"


The uses for covert hypnosis are restricted only by the imagination. How you decide to use this powerful tool will depend on your life, the people and places that life takes you to and your hopes and dreams for the future. Covert hypnosis using descriptive imagery can help you get the cooperation of those around you for a more positive outcome.

If you would enjoy more covert hypnosis  articles like this one, add a comment below and share this post on facebook or twitter...

Persuasion More Effective When You Use the “Unexpected” Message

Persuasion is more effective when you use the "unexpected message" and back it up with strong arguments. Why? People will listen and pay more attention to your message if you had and unexpected element to it. The problem is if you don't deliver something worthwhile the persuasion is lost. Swaycraft Persuasion Techniques discusses the surprise element for effective persuasion.

Something unexpected can either take your mind off something else or help you focus on it. Photo courtesy of

"In consumer research at least, experts can be more persuasive when they express uncertainty. Uncertainty works here because it is unexpected: we expect experts to be certain about their position because of their specialized knowledge and training."

"Many authors suggest unexpectedness as one of the persuasion cornerstones. For example, Heath brothers make unexpectedness second element in their SUCCESs formula. (SUCCESs stands for Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, Story – see their bestsellingMade to Stick)."

"Overall, this is solid advice. But it can also backfire."

"Research indeed shows that in general unexpectedness boosts persuasion. The reason: unexpected message surprises your audience; they pay more attention; the more attention they pay the more likely it is that the message will sway them."

"In essence, people are more likely to meditate on your message if it surprises them.

"But here is a critical requirement: your message must be supported by strong arguments. If not, your message will be ineffective or will even backfire because your audience will be more likely to spot any flaws."


  • Richard E. Petty, John T. Cacioppo, Rachel Goldman, “Personal Involvement as a Determinant of Argument-Based Persuasion,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 41, 847-55 (1981).
  • Richard E. Petty and John T. Cacioppo, Communication and Persuasion: Central and Peripheral Routes to Persuasion (1986)
I know this works with children, I used to watch my kids' pre-school teacher do this all the time. She was always prepared with a silly song or an unexpected detail, and it held the interest of most of the kids while she taught what she needed to. It's works in advertising and relationships and business, persuasion is more effective when you use the unexpected message. 
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Is Conversational Hypnosis No Longer Effective?

There seems to be some dispute going on as to whether or not conversational hypnosis is even relevant any more with regard to the art and science of covert persuasion.

Back in the day, the pick and seduction communities were swarming with exponents of hypnotic seduction patterns. The ability to actually use these canned hypnotic seduction scripts as well as their effectiveness in the field was and is still hotly debated.

Check out the article below and let me know what you think.

Vin di carlo’s pandora’s box review Conversational Hypnosis--Why Covert Persuasion Is Better Off Without It

You may have previously heard of conversational hypnosis and how you can use it to help you covertly persuade people. Up until a few years ago, conversational hypnosis was one of the most recent trends within the covert persuasion community.

But does conversational hypnosis really work? Although conversational hypnosis does have some fascinating topics in its teachings, we need to go beyond our topics of interest and continue to focus upon the question as to whether or not conversational hypnosis really works. To answer this question, we should for a moment consider the male seduction community, because the idea of using hypnotic language patterns to influence people is by no means as recent as some covert hypnosis practitioners have been led to believe.

The male seduction community in the beginning began its attempts to seduce women through the use of language patterns that were developed upon the exact same dynamics as conversational hypnosis is built upon. This means that conversational hypnosis already existed in the form of nlp before it took on its new name. And men failed in their attempts to seduce woman by means of hypnotic language. This is exactly why the male seduction community quickly moved away from hypnotic language patterns unto different covert persuasion techniques that actually worked.

Read the full article here

I’ll be honest, I am not sure that I entirely agree with the conclusions in the article below. But I do have tremendous respect for Vin Di Carlo as a pickup and seduction coach.

I happen to own his Pandora’s Box System and I have found it to be of extreme usefulness in applying my Covert Persuasion, Hypnosis and Seduction Skills. Because it literally allows you to easily type and classify the kind of woman you are dealing with and once you understand her type.

You automatically gain key insights into how she best needs to be romanced, seduced and related to.

Remember the most important thing about covert hypnosis, conversational hypnosis or even seduction is NOT necessarily what system you are using. The most important determiner of success is the ability to

A. Know your Target

B. Be able to Calibrate or Sense Whether what you are doing is having the effect you are going for.

Once you know how to make sense of peoples verbal and non-verbal behaviors you will always know where you stand with them and persuasion and seduction becomes ridiculously easy.


The video featured above is a powerful example of the power words have to create the frame, or in many case to modify the frame or meaning around a particular event or situation. This video is dramatization of a principle thats been around for a long time but one we can learn from very deeply.

Think always about the feelings that will most naturally lead people to automatically choose to do what you want and more often than not you don't have to work very hard to make them do something. In the world of human minds, feelings win more often than logic, reason or rationalization.

Awsome Video.

Think about that when using the steatlh language patterns and you are on your way to an unstoppable life.

Trance the World and Take Names.

Your Loyal Friend and Hypnosis Mentor

David Van Arrick

aka "The Master"

S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Hypnosis - How to Hypnotize Someone Without Them Knowing

The easiest way to hypnotize someone without them knowing it is through a method called covert conversational hypnosis. Using conversational hypnosis techniques you can put people in a profound eyes open state of trance just by talking in a certain way.

The art of conversational and covert hypnosis begins with the study of state control, rapport skills and moves on to the use of very specific 7 secret hypnotic language patterns that work on everyone hearing them.

This irresistible method of influence flies completely under the radar of most people, giving you the ability to literally cause people to fall in love with you, win arguments, close more sales  buy your products and services and lots more. 

So Stop for a moment and Imagine...

What would your life be like if you could simply walk up to someone and in just minutes have that person hanging on your every word and doing exactly what you say. Covert hypnosis is all about getting people to feel what you want sot that they naturally do what feels right to them.

What if you could ask someone about something they believe strongly, and in just a few minutes of talking have them believing exactly the opposite and even possibly condemning their old way of thinking.

Contrary to what most people believe conversational hypnosis is not hard to learn.

In fact if, you have the right teacher learning it is fast, easy and a whole lot of fun. When you are ready to learn hard-core, real world conversational hypnosis techniques I invite you to check one of My FREE 80 MInute Covert Hypnosis Audios.

Just fill in your name and email in box below and click the Button To Get some of the easiest, fastest and most powerful covert and conversational hypnosis techniques that exist. You will also get a free subscription to my covert hypnosis newsletter.  You are going to love it.

Get Yours Now...


Announcing a new Meetup for NLP POWER: NLP & Hypnosis Club! 
When: January 11, 2010 7:30 PM

San Diego Hypnotic Language Classes

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)
Hello All You Happy Go-Lucky Heroes of Hypnotic Endeavor and Neuro Linguistic Leadership.
Tis I your friend, mentor and somewhat wacky organizer David Snyder Back to Kick off a Brave

new year with a rousing return performance of one of our most popular topics.
Hypnotic Language Patterns On Steroids.
This FREE Hypnotic Language Boot-camp is a must-attend for all fans of covert hypnosis and

conversational persuasion.

If you have ever been completely fascinated, mildly interested or even just utterly confused about how to make hypnotic language patterns work in the real world… This is Where You Need To Be On January 11, 2010 at 7:30 PM Sharp as we blow the proverbial

lid off just how easy using hypnotic language patterns can be for you.

Not only that, you will get to cast your all-important vote for the topics to be covered over the next 12 months. PLEASE NOTE: ( I do play favorites and tend to give people who actually come to the meetings

far more say in what topics we cover than folks who just sort of lurk in the background.
Bottom Line?
Get off your hypno-butts and drag your neuro-linguistic fanny to our first official meetup of

Here is that date again so you can clear it on your calendars.
Join us on January 11th 2010 at 730 PM as we hypnotically drill and skill the night away.
This particular meetup will focus more on drills and installation so by all means if you want the

opportunity to get a Neuro-linguistic tune-up from neck up, the date to reserve your spot for

7:30pm Monday January 11, 2010 By the way a lot of people have been asking about things they can do to improve their “inner game” with regards to various fields of Business, Dating and Social endeavors. We will be touching on some of those aspects too and setting the groundwork for meetups that focus on  those issues. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 
My email is [ you can contact me direct by phone at 858-947-8382

Please Remember, everyone is welcome to this event, It doesn’t matter if you have ANY training, or NO Training At All, Anyone can learn how to easily and naturally install these simple yet powerful language patterns into their every day way of talking in such a way that every thing you say and do automatically becomes increasingly more compelling, stimulating and fun. in other words… trance inducing!

the Bad News is …
We can only handle about 20 to 25 for this one.
By the way the last time we did this boot camp style practice session we filled up in just under a

2 hours by my reckoning, so please R.S.V.P., A.S.A.P., P.D.Q. before you are S.O.L. OK?
David Snyder

NLPPower Meetup Coordinator.

PS: Here is that date again in case you missed it January 11, 2010 7:30 PM See you then. PPS: If you are into ANY profession where you have to use written or spoken language to get

people to do things i.e. marketing, teaching, coaching, therapy etc… you need to be here. RSVP Now Before Someone Else Takes Your Seat.

Learn more here:
David Snyder Dipl. .O.M. L.Ac. C.H.







tagged as: black hypnosis , Boot Camp, Butts , Conversational Hypnosis , Covert Hypnosis , David Snyder ,

Endeavor , Fanny , Groundwork , How To Hypnotize , how to hypnotize san diego , Hypnotic Language , hypnotic

language patterns , Inner Game , Language Classes , Language Patterns , learn hypnosis , Meetup , Meetups ,

Mentor , Nlp , Persuasion , Popular Topics , Return Performance , Rousing Return , san diego hypnosis , Social



Endeavors Conversational Hypnotic